Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'Tis the season.....not feeling it! (Tuesday Recap)

I'm kind of in a blah mood today and totally not into the Holiday season at all!  I'm not really feeling my workouts either...I've delayed working out the past two days (mainly due to time constraints) but a lack of motivation as well!  I've got 4 days left to fit in 4 days!  Better get on it....but I need serious motivation! (Sigh)  Here's Tuesdays recap:

Breakfast: Tennessee Pride Turkey Sausage Patties w/ 2 Eggo Nutrigrain waffles w/ Splenda & Banana (7pts)
Snack: Apple (0pts)
Lunch: Healthy Choice Balsamic Chicken (7pts)
Snack: Jello-Pudding Sugar Free (2pts)
Dinner: Deweys Pizza & Salad -3 Slices (31pts)
Snack: None

Daily Points Allowance: 41
Total Points Used: 41
Points Remaining: 0
Bonus Points Allowed (Week): 49*
Used (Today): 6
Bonus Points Remaining (Week): 40
Activity Points Earned (Today): 0
Activity Points Used (Today): 0
Activity Points Earned (Week): 0 (Goal is 25)
*I swap earned Activity Points for Bonus Points first before I start using my actual bonus points
Clearly I need to get on the Activity bandwagon or I'm going to get behind!  Anyone have any motivation? It should motivate me that I fit right into a medium size polo shirt this morning, but I didn't have time to check myself out before I left the house in a rush.  I took off my jacket at work and I look pretty decent! :-)

I've got more shopping to do, meeting with a friend tonight, workouts OH MY!  There really isn't enough time in the day!!  Sorry so short but there isn't a lot to report and I'm kind of blah today so I apologize.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better!  Until then kids...

The one and only,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Keith, you are doing a fantastic job! As you know, there will be highs and lows during your journey so if you are feeling a "low" at this time, just think, you can only go up. :)
    Enjoy this time as you meet with friends and keep telling yourself there are only a few more days left of the craziness before Christmas. Once Christmas Day is over, I'm sure you will hit the gym hard!
    Looking forward to hearing how your day went today. Sharon
