Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are you crying or is that sweat in your eyes? (Insanity Month 2 Week 2 Day 4)

What can I say about Day 4?  Oh I know....I HATE YOU SHAUN T!  Hate is a strong word but it fits so easily here.  I have never sweat so much in my entire life, my shirt had completely changed colors by the end of the workout!  Today was Max Interval Plyo day and let me just say that it was no bueno from the beginning.

Now we do pretty much the same warm-up each workout but for some reason after today's warm up (which is 15 minutes...yes you heard me..the WARM-UP is 15 minutes) I was already pouring sweat and my lungs were screaming for air.  I knew at that point that I was in for a fight and that today's workout was not going to go well.  As I had assumed it did not! LOL.  That's not to say that I punked out...oh no...I pushed through the workout, but it was pure hell the entire way.  It had been a week since I had done this workout and I had forgotten all the stunts he has us do.  Does the term "Squat Pushup" make you shudder?  Well it should because they are straight up non-sense.  You first get deep into a squat and put your hands out in front of you, elbows at your side.  Then you allow yourself to fall forward onto your hands and into a full push up, then you have to push yourself back up into the squat position and repeat for 45 seconds.  Torture.  This among Level 3 drills which literally had me in tears screaming.  You have to do 16 push ups followed by 16 floor sprints in plank, stand up and repeat.  I was dying.  If anyone saw me, it was a combination of sweat and tears on my face! LOL

I know I say it about every Insanity workout, but today's workout was no joke!  My arms and abs were the victims of this crazy workout today, but fear not my poor legs got their fair share of beat down!  Tomorrow is Max Cardio Conditioning followed up with Max Cardio Abs....I hate those get your a$$ handed to you in the full workout and then are expected to put on a smile and workout your abs. UGH!  Someone shoot me!  Or better yet...shoot Tanya.

If you are thinking about starting Insanity, please let me know.  I'm here to support anyone through this process and believe me, when you have support it makes the world of difference!  It's tough, please know that it is way super tough, but you can do it if you have the determination to push through!  The results far outweigh the pain, and if you stick with it, you will see results!  My first week of Insanity I was so sore and got really sick actually because it was such a shock to my body, but after that it gets better (the soreness and fatigue) and you find a way to get through.  Once you start seeing your body change, you won't be able to stop! :-)

Speaking of...I think Matt is almost fully recovered from his Day 2 beat down! LOL.  Are you ready for Pure Cardio!? :-)  (followed by evil laughter!)

That's all I have for today.  The weekend approaches...have you earned a break this week?

Wishing you success in your goals!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How does one recover from this? (Insanity Month 2 Week 2 Day 3)

I'd like to start today's post off with a confession.  If you know me I am usually very honest and up front, so here goes.  I switched up my recovery day and Max Interval Plyo day so I could do my recovery day today.  ONLY because I thought it was going to be an easy workout and I had less than an hour to get in a workout this evening. 
M-I-S-T-A-K-E.  This is where the word "assume" gets you into trouble.  Once again I keep forgetting that when it starts with the word MAX, there will be nothing easy about it!

With that out of the way....let me tell you a bit about Max Cardio Recovery.  It's some straight up bull is what it is.  You start off with a bunch of breathing and stretching exercises, so you think....ok...this is kind of like the Cardio Recovery from Month 1 only a little faster. WRONG.  Then you get blasted into 4 different workout circuits that can only be described as evil.  At one point I actually yelled at the screen "OK, I freakin get it, my core has to be tight and I'm supposed to watch my form, let's just freakin wrap up this set already!"  This was amid us doing a one arm body balance where your entire body is on its side and being supported by one arm, the other arm stretched out to the ceiling.  Then you return the arm to the ground in plank position and do 8 pushups and repeat.  Ridiculous. 

The absolute worst part of the workout today was the end where once again Shaun T seems to think that my legs are made of steel and that my quads have no feeling in them.  We have to maintain a plie squat pose, do 8-16 pulses, then bend to one side and hold, back to squat, pulse, other side and repeat.  Mixed in with all sorts of other crazy stunts like keeping your heels off the floor the entire time.  My quads felt like someone had set them on fire with gasoline and turned a fan on.  INSANITY!

I've got 3 days left of Week 2 and then we are really in the home stretch with 2 weeks remaining.  I'll be curious to see how the 4th Fit Test turns out.  Monday the truth will out!  Tomorrow is Interval Plyo....I'm already getting sick to my stomach.

Matt text this morning to say that he was barely able to walk after his beat down from yesterday!  My words of encouragment are: This too shall pass! LOL.  Colene recommends taking some Tylenol before bed to help with the soreness.  I empathize and sympathize because I've been there and if you can push through the Week 1 soreness, it will go away in Week 2! :-)  Hang in Shaun T can freakin do it! Dig deeper! LOL.

That's all I have for today.  Other than the fact that I am craving a McDonald's Coke like CRAZY for some reason.  I haven't had a drop of soda since I started Insanity and I don't plan on starting now, but for some reason that craving was strong this evening.  Instead I am enjoying a Sobe Strawberry Dragonfruit Life Water. Yum! LOL.

Wishing you success in your goals.


Holy Switchkicks Batman! (Insanity Month 2 Week 2 Day 2)

Max Interval Circuit is from the devil.  Full Body Drills are a form of witchcraft.  Floor switch kicks are of the underworld.

Do you see where I'm going with this?  This workout is unholy!  I don't think I stopped screaming for more than a few seconds and that's while we were switching workouts or on a water break.  If you don't know what switch kicks are (as most probably do not) I need for you to look it up on You Tube and then imagine doing those on the floor holding yourself up on your arms.  Re-dang-diculous!  Full body drills are where you jump down into plank position, run sprints for 8 count, do 4 moving push-ups across the room, then do 8 count wide sprint runs, jump up and repeat to the other side.  These are only 2 of 12 different exercises that were repeated in 3 circuits, sets of 3 during this 60 minute beat down.

Shaun T says...."You may wonder why I'm smiling.....because I love it!"  I seriously think he is some sort of Sadist and enjoys watching other people suffer.  I also want to go on record saying that Shaun T does NOT know how to count.  I swear he says we have 10 seconds left every 30 seconds and the 10 seconds never run out.  That or he starts a 5 second countdown and it goes like this...."5 seconds.....................................................................................................................................................

So the 5 second count ends up being more like a 10 second count! UGH!  Then at the end of a set where you normally would get a 30 second break, he makes you get up and do another minute of hell before you get your break.  Hate him.

Month 2 is definitely proving to be intense and insane.  I'm halfway through Week 2 and will only have 2 weeks left after this.  I'm too committed at this point to give up, but I'm here to tell you this is definitely starting to get to me to the point where I physically get ill thinking about the workouts to come!  There is light at the end of the tunnel friends.....2 1/2 more weeks............I got this!!!  DTF DTV! (haha, who remembers that from high school football?  Anyone? LOL)

Kudos again to Matt who blasted through his day 2 workout of Insanity!  I remember day 1 and I also remember the day after when I too could not walk!  Colene says to take some Tylenol before bedtime and that helps with the soreness?  Never tried it...I just muscled through.  The soreness goes away in Week 2!  Keep up the awesome work! :-)

That's all I have for today. Looking forward to recovery day tomorrow, but not before I get the crap beat out of me during tonight's Max Cardio Plyo!  May God have mercy on my soul!

Wishing you success in your goals!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Me and my good friend Max....(Insanity Month 2 Week 2 Day 1)

Yesterday we started repeating the Month 2 workouts and let me just go on record saying....over it! LOL.  As I mentioned previously all of the Month 2 workouts begin with the word "MAX" and me and my good friend Max are about to part ways! LOL.  Yesterday's workout was MAX Cardio Conditioning.  I think that is Portuguese for Crazy A$$ Workout from hell!  Yet another non-stop beat down and by non-stop I mean there are no scheduled breaks.  Of course I slotted my own breaks thanks to my other good friend "Pause" but other than that it's a straight up 47 minute torture session.  Alas, I survived.

I've decided that I'm going to stop using the scale to measure my success.  What I've learned from Insanity is that it's not a real "Weight Loss" program, but more of a "get more fit" program.  I haven't lost huge numbers on Insanity but I can definitely see a difference in my body and my fitness level.  I've definitely lost inches around my body and am much leaner.  Although I have a ways to go, because my midsection is just not wanting to let go, I am confident that by the end of month 2 I will be looking much better than I was at day 1! :-)

In other exciting related news, I think I have converted another over to the Insane side! LOL.  Matt completed his fit test yesterday and kicked a$$!  So super proud that you have taken the first step to 2 months of hell! LOL.  Just know that while you will hate every minute of's worth it in the end!  You have my full support!  Take those before and after pics so we can get you your free t-shirt!! :-) Perhaps together we can take down that B Tanya! HAHAHA!

That's all I have for today!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and had fun!

Wishing you success in your goals!


Friday, May 25, 2012

I know how to ski....Are you Kidding Me? (Insanity Month 2 Day 3)

Well as expected last nights workout was Max Cardio Conditioning.  I'll start by saying that I think Pure Cardio from Month 1 was actually more intense than this.  With that said, don't be fooled into thinking that it wasn't insane or that I didn't get my A$$ kicked because I certainly did!  The difference I think with Max Cardio vs. Pure Cardio is that we actually got a few seconds of rest between sets with Max Cardio whereas in Pure Cardio it was non stop beat down!  Also I felt like Max Cardio focused a lot more on legs so there was more of "my quads are dying" vs. "I can't breathe!" :-)

One thing I can say about Max Cardio, it taught me how to ski!  Between downard ski jumps and ski abs I think I could totally make the Olympic Team and become a gold medalist!  I'm just sayin! LOL

Today is the Max Recovery, which I'm not sure what to expect.  Month 1 Recovery was a lot of balance and core work, I imagine Max Recovery will be similar, but turned up a notch.  I can report that the soreness in my muscles is finally subsiding and I can walk normally again! LOL.

On the downside, I don't know what has happened but I have gained 2lbs since Wednesdays weigh-in!!  I almost threw the scale through the wall this morning!  I'm hoping it's either muscle gain or some weird glitch with my body (water retention or the sort, can you drink TOO much water?) and that it will all remedy itself before Monday's weigh-in!  I haven't changed my diet at all and haven't eaten any crazy meals the past couple of days.  The only thing I did have was a 1000 calorie smoothie from Smoothie King, but it was my breakfast and snack yesterday morning, which those two normally add up to 1000 calories separately.  I guess we shall see what happens Monday.  Everyone keeps telling me to stop using the scale as a term of success measurement, and I really try hard not to, but I've been fixated on my goal weight of 165lbs that it is hard not to look at the numbers every day and not get frustrated when things like this happen.  (Take a deep breath, relax, it will all be ok!)

3 more days and I will be finished with Week 1 of Month 2 and then it's the downward slope to the end.  Can you handle it?  Or better yet, can I handle it?  Stay tuned to find out!

That's all I have for today!

Wishing you success in your goals.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Homicide at Bennett Springs Ct....(Insanity Month 2 Day 2)

Reporter: "I'm here on scene at Bennett Springs Ct. where a young man has reportedly been murdered by a popular nighttime infomercial celebrity.  Police at this time are not releasing any details other than the young man was found covered in sweat lying on his living room floor.  We will keep you updated as details of this tragic event emerge."

This is how I envision the reports coming out concerning my death after tonight's workout.  I have not clue what exactly Shaun T thought he was doing, but this is getting beyond insane.  My body has never felt so fatigued or worn out in my entire life.  I've done workouts by Jillian Michaels, Debbie Siebers, Julie James, Travis Steffen, Billy Blanks, Bob Harper and none of them have even come close to scratching the surface to the level of intensity of these workouts.  The even sadder part is, I take several breaks during the workouts because I push my body to the brink of burn out and it just collapses when it can't go any further.  I have to literally FORCE my mind into fueling my muscles for the last 10-15 seconds of a workout to keep going.  This my friends is no joke.  My entire shirt is soaked and I look like I just jumped in the pool and climbed out.  Tonight was by far the worst workout thus far, and the Max Cardio is still to come!

I know I have tried encouraging folks to get on the Insane Train, but let me retract that only to preface it with this.....THIS IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!  If you are new to working out, meaning you are inactive currently and are more than 30lbs overweight, you may want to try a more casual approach to your weight loss efforts starting out.  Before I began Insanity, I had been working out at the gym 4 days/week for 5 months.  It's not to say that I was in top physical shape at that point, but the amount of cardio I had been doing, combined with the strength training it gave me a decent foundation to start with on Insanity.  Don't get me wrong....Insanity has still kicked my A$$ every day!  I'm on Week 6 and I still have quite a ways to go before I'm in top shape.  My point is that while Insanity has given me some great results, it comes at a high price and I don't recommend you investing your money into this program if it's your first step into working out.

I'm 2 days into Month 2 and I have no idea how I'm going to keep going at this pace.  These workouts are brutal and my body is saying STOP!  But I am quick to remember that on Week 1 of Month 1 I felt the same way and wanted to give up, but I pushed through and here I am with only 4.5 weeks left!  I'm drawing on all of my inner strength and determination to keep going.  Seeing my body change and the scale drop helps motivate me to not give up.  Along with the support of all of you!

I just can't wait to see how Day 3 turns out!  Max Cardio is gonna be some straight up Bull Ish fo sho!

That's all I have today.  Stay tuned.....

Wishing you success in your goals.


And in this corner weighing in at.......(Weigh-in Results)

Just a quick update to give you this weeks weigh-in results!  Enjoy!

Starting Weight on Insanity: 185.6lbs
Last Weeks Weight: 178.8lbs
Today's Weight: 177.2lbs
Difference: -1.6lbs
Total lost on Insanity: -8.4lbs

Only 12lbs to go to hit my goal weight!  At the rate Month 2 is going I should lose 12lbs by the end of the week! LOL!

That's all I have today!

Wishing you success in your goals!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's not a coffee break people! (Insanity Month 2 Day 1)

Shaun T can be a real smart mouth sometimes!  Tonight during one of the 30 second rest periods...he screams "Let's go! It's not a coffee break people!"  Oh really Shaun T?  Cuz I thought we were all on lunch break up in this!  What the!?

Tonight's workout was indeed certifiably crazy!  First I had to complete my 3rd Fit Test which is 25 minutes, THEN I had to complete the Day 1 workout Max Interval Circuit which is 60 minutes!  Let me just tell took me nearly 2.5 hours to complete this because I was dying and had to take A LOT of breaks!!  These workouts just got kicked up about 50 notches and the moves got more insane!  I'm not sure what Shaun T was thinking but he got me mixed up with someone who can do all that craziness!  Well needless to say I pushed through and finally finished day 1!  I literally shed a pound of water weight during the workout! WHEW!  Interested to see how the scale looks tomorrow!

After a couple of days off from Insanity and then being killed today, I am definitely beat down!  Ready for a good long sleep tonight!  But before I part, here are the results from Fit Test # 3 with #1 and #2 Comparisons:

Exercise          Week 1   Week 2      Week 3

Switch Kicks   108          120            146
Power Jacks     57             67             61 (This was my own fault...see below)
Power Knees   83             113            114
Power Jumps   30             45              60
Globe Jumps    7              10              12
Suicide Jumps  13           18               21
Push-up Jacks   29           44              49
Low Plank Oblique 41     56             66

So on the Power Jacks, when I looked at the prior weeks numbers I got mixed up from the 2 in the 120 of Switch Kicks and thought it said 27, so when I got to around 50 I started slowing down thinking I had BLOWN UP my previous results, time ran out at 61 and when I saw the prior test was actually 67 I was so ticked off at myself!  I could have done more but oh well...that's what happens when you aren't paying attention and start slacking!  Geezo!  I think I had some great improvements on the other exercises however so I was still proud of my overall results!

That's all I have for today, look for weigh-in results tomorrow!!

Wishing you success in your goals!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Skinny Fat @ 30lbs....(Insanity, Recovery Week)

I apologize for the delay in blog updates on my Insanity journey but I have been traveling this week for work and was unable to blog.  I did however keep up with my Insanity workouts as this week is the "Recovery Week".

Let me explain what Recovery means in the Insanity world.  Normally to recover would mean to recoup or renew ones self from an exhausting activity.  In the Insanity world, Recovery means a slightly less punishing beat down.  I'll give it to Shaun T that this workout is not nearly the death inviting workout that Month 1 workouts were, but it still kicks my butt.  Mainly because it is largely about balance and getting your core in shape and focus a great deal on legs and abs and trying to maintain a plie pose for 5 minutes while doing shoulder work after having done 8+ minutes of leg workouts is just wrong!  Only 1 day left of Week 5 and then we head into Month 2....I'd almost rather be chased by Michael Meyers in the woods barefoot! LOL.

I totally skipped on updating you on the weigh-in results so I will give them to you here as of today!

Starting Weight on Insanity: 185.6lbs
Last Weeks Weight: 180.4lbs
Today's Weight: 178.8lbs
Difference: -1.6lbs
Total lost on Insanity: -6.8lbs

Total lost since November: -30.2lbs

So excited to have finally broken the 30lb mark!!  I have about 13lbs to get to a comfortable goal weight of 165lbs.  Now I don't think I will hit 13lbs in the next month, but the closer I can get the better!  I was looking in the mirror the other day, and I can definitely tell a difference in my body since I've started Insanity but at this point I feel "Skinny Fat".  For those who may not know what Skinny Fat's the point of weight loss when you look a lot skinnier than you used to and those who know where you came from can definitely see a difference, but to someone who sees you for the first time, you look like you could stand to lose 10-15lbs! LOL.  They don't know I've lost 30lbs!  Additionally, I"m skinny(er) in most places, but my midsection is being somewhat stubborn, as is customary.  Belly fat is the last to go and while my love handles have DEFINITELY gotten much smaller, they are still holding on for dear life!  I'm hoping the hellish torture coming in Month 2 will unleash all out war on my midsection and just devour the last bit of fat I have left! (A boy can wish, right?)  I'm also in an awkward clothing state....mediums are getting a bit "blousy" on me but smalls are a smidgen too snug so I can't make that leap quite yet.  I did slip into a size 30 pair of shorts the other day at the store and they were a LOL.  So I'll stick with the 32's for now....but I'll forewarn you, if I get into a size 30" waist and small shirt by the end of month 2, I will personally find Shaun T and kiss him!!! LOL

OK I am done rambling for the day!  Sorry we had a bit to catch up on.  That's all I have for today!  How are you doing in your journey to get fit?

Wishing you success in your goals!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Is it over yet? (Insanity Week 4 Day 6)

Unfortunately no it is not over yet, we have 5 weeks left! Can you believe it's been 4 weeks since I began Insanity!?  Time has certainly flown by!  And I haven't enjoyed one minute of it either. LOL.  We are officially through Month 1 of Insanity and I have to admit, it was pure hell, but I feel awesome that I've made it through the first half.

I've definitely seen a change in my body.  Nothing TV style dramatic or anything like that, but I'm seeing some definition in my arms and legs, my waist is definitely smaller and physically I feel stronger.  It's been a tough road so far, but it's also been worth it!

This week is what they call the "Recovery Week" and you do the same DVD every day called "Core Cardio & Balance".  I've been told it's still a workout but not nearly as intense as the regular workouts.  Shaun T psych's you out in this week and gives you a break from the craziness only to open up a can of certifiable craziness in month 2.  I think Colene said she got through 4 days and was done and went back to repeat Month 1.  That's a little scary to think about. LOL.  I've purposely not viewed the videos for Month 2 so as not to turn myself totally off from doing them.  I can say that I am looking forward to the change because as hellish and rough as Month 1 workouts are, I'm kind of over them and ready to move forward. (I say that now.....check back with me in Week 1 of Month 2 and let's see how that attitude may have changed! LOL)

Tomorrow is weigh-in day.  I'm a little afraid of what that will result in.  I had a vacation style weekend and while I didn't eat completely asinine and ridiculous, I did indulge and it may affect the immediate weigh in results.  I am going to try and post my Day 1 before pic next to my Day 30 pic and see if there is a difference visually, you be the judge!

That's all I have today.  Crossing my fingers for a loss on the scale tomorrow! :-)

Wishing you success in your goals.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"I'm not trying to hurt you, just make you better!" (Insanity Week 4 Day 1)

From the title...this was a quote by Shaun T in today's workout.  I have to question the legitimacy of this statement because I was definitely hurting today!  Frog jumps, suicide jumps, power jacks, push-up jacks, oh my!  It was non-stop fun today!  If you couldn't guess today was PURE CARDIO day and what follows PURE CARDIO........PURE CARDIO ABS!

Now surprisingly enough, the worst part of today's workout was that my legs were on fire from all the squats and jumping!  Butt kicks and high knees were killing my calves today too!  But of course just when I am all good and stretched out, cooled off and breathing normal, here come the stupid Pure Cardio Abs!  UGH!  My least favorite of this video are the last 2 exercises, high plank, low plank oblique.  It hurts my hips more than anything and then he follows it all up with this ab pulsing workout that you do from both high and low plank position in 4 sets.  Let me tell you, it will have your lower abs SCREAMING like they have been set on fire!!  The ab workout is hard for me to get through because of the position he makes me sit in is very awkward and uncomfortable and I usually end up feeling it in my back or legs more than my abs.  But alas, I push through and do as I am told.

How's about some results, shall we?

Starting Weight on Insanity: 185.6lbs
Last Weeks Weight: 181.6lbs
Todays Weight: 180.4lbs
Difference: -1.2lbs
Total Lost on Insanity: -5.2lbs (in 3 weeks)

Total Lost Since November: -28.6lbs

I think losing 1.2lbs in a week is acceptable to me.  I realize that I am gaining a little bit of muscle in the process and clearly judging by my clothes my body is shrinking.  I look forward to hitting the 30lb mark!  I haven't been in the 170's since 2001!  I won't know what to do with myself! LOL.  One final week of Month 1 and we will be in Recovery Week, only to gear up for absolute hell in Month 2.  I'm afraid to even watch the DVD's because I think it may scare me out of doing them! LOL.  Perseverance and determination!

That's all I have today!  What have you done to get healthy in 2012?

Wishing you success in your goals!


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tricep Dips Hurt! (Insanity Week 3 Day 5)

So now that I'm about to close out Week 3 of Insanity and I've done these workouts a few times I'm getting more familiar with the routine and what to expect.  However yesterday in my workout I had somehow forgotten about what they call "Tricep Dips" and let me tell you...they HURT!

Yesterday's workout was "Power Cardio and Resistance".  Incidentally another least favorite of mine.  I find it ironic how every DVD is a least favorite of mine. Well. LOL.  It's a lot of push ups and squats and jumps and then some pretty torturous tricep and arm work!  Yet again I stood drenched in sweat wondering why I keep doing this to myself.  Then I go to take a shower, look in the mirro and I think...oh yeah...this is why!  I say that because I'm definitely starting to see results in my chest, arms and legs.  I can tell I've gotten stronger both physically and cardio wise. 

Some friends asked me last night what I do to keep myself motivated to keep doing Insanity every day and not give up.  I told them that I come home from work and the first thing I do is my Insanity workout.  I don't give myself a chance to settle in or unwind.  I power through the workouts and every day when I look in the mirror and I see my body changing and every week I step on the scale and see the pounds dropping off, that is what keeps me motivated to keep going.  I know I sound like a broken record when I say that Insanity is not fun, it is not easy, it is not for the lazy.  It takes not only strength, but will power and a mental determination to power through the workouts.  I literally find myself almost in tears at the end of some of the workouts because I am pushing my body to the ultimate limit and when I want to collapse I find just a bit more ability to push through to the end.  When you finish an Insanity workout you KNOW you worked for it!

Today I will complete Week 3 and move into Week 4, then it's Recovery Week and get geared up for Month 2!  Can you handle it?!

That's all I have today!  All aboard the Insane Train!

Wishing you success in your goals!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Losing your lunch! (Insanity Week 3 Day 4)

So today I had plans to do dinner right after work, not wanting to miss out on my Insanity schedule I went home on lunch to do my work out.  Why anyone would think this is a good idea is beyond me, but it sounded like the perfect "pick me up" for the day.

Today was "Pure Cardio" and "Cardio Abs", yes the day that they make you do two workouts back to back!  The total time is around 55 minutes, needless to say I had to take an hour and a half lunch break today! LOL.  I hate Pure Cardio days.  Normally on the DVD's during the workout you get a 30 second rest between each set of craziness.  Now that doesn't sound like much, but trust me when I say you look real forward to that 30 seconds!  On the Pure Cardio video you get 1 30 second break in the very beginning set and then nothing after that, so you are on your own for taking a break.  Believe me, I made sure to take mine!  It's straigh up 28 minutes of torture.  Then you get to go BACK to the menu screen, after being beaten down, and click on "Cardio Abs" and work over your core real good until you want to vomit.  Repeat....I hate Pure Cardio day.

I have 2 days remaining in Week 3, then it's a home stretch to ending Month 1!  I'm kind of excited, but super nervous about month 2.  Anything that has the word "max" in the title can't be fun, and EVERY DVD in month 2 is named "Max....." something. 

One of our residents came in today to pick up a package and I saw that she had just ordered the Insanity series.  I had to have a come to Jesus meeting with her and let her know that this was going to be the beat down of a lifetime and to get prepared.  I told her to take the weekend and live it up, and start on Monday and then, life as you know will be over! LOL.  She looked a little panicked when she left my office.  Whoops! :-)

Well that is all I have for today.  If anyone wants to get on this Insane Train...please let me know, I'd love to support you and see your progress!! :-)

Wishing you success in your goals!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Excuse me sir....sir....are you ok sir?" (Insanity Week 3 Day 2)

I don't know how to describe it other than pure hell!  Tonight's workout was so brutal that when I was done, I literally fell (no, collapsed) onto the floor and just laid there.  I assumed this must be what dying feels like.

Here's the funny thing....I have done this workout at least twice before (but I think 3 times before) but it never felt like this.  I think what is happening is as I am getting stronger and my endurance is building, I'm able to push myself harder and further than before and by so doing I am pushing my body to its breaking point.  The workout tonight was so intense I actually had to remove my shirt and workout in just shorts! LOL.  Now this isn't because I have an insane body now and I wanted to show off to my neighbors, but I was sweating so profusely that my shirt was actually beginning to weigh me down as it absorbed all of the sweat from my body and was hindering my workout.  The floor beneath me was wet after my workout as the water I was sweating out just poured onto the floor.  I've never worked out so hard in my life!  The worst part is, the most intense of the DVD's is still to come this week!  And they say that month 2 is Insanity times 10!  I don't know how it could get worse, but apparently it is going to!  Pray for me!

To those out there who have begun Insanity, I implore you to stick with it no matter how much you might feel like giving up.  It's called Insanity for a reason, but if you stick with it, you will see the results and it will be worth it!  If a fat kid like me can stick with it, anyone can!  For those who are looking for a way to get back into shape and lose the weight you've been holding onto and you've tried everything else....I encourage you to look into Insanity.  Yes it is crazy, yes you will feel like you are dying, yes you will want to give up and yes you might even throw up a time or two, but when you start looking in the mirror and seeing a body you are proud of, all of those things make it worth the effort!  Are you dedicated to yourself enough to try Insanity!?  Give me a shout out if you are! :-)

That's all I have for today!  Looking forward to recovery day tomorrow! WOOT!

Wishing you success in your goals!
