Friday, December 19, 2014

Basket weaving is hard to do while driving!

The title, I realize, makes absolutely no sense.  The analogy however when compared to dieting and trying to lose weight should come together for most if not all of you out there who have ever tried to shed a few pounds!  The premise is that dieting is hard and sometimes you can be derailed.

This week has been a perfect example.  I haven't been the most diligent in my food intake this week and it showed on the scale this morning.  This has also been an awakening that after a while, your body will adjust to your new diet and the weight loss will level off and so it is time to try something new, like exercise.

I'll share the scary results with you as shaming as they are:

Starting Weight: 234.8
Today's Weight: 227.8
Total loss: 7lbs.

Now do I really think that I've gained three pounds this week?  No.  I haven't been THAT bad.  I've just reduced my water intake and had more "cheats" than I would normally allow myself and that combination has likely caused some hang up in the systems.  Nonetheless I was devastated to see a gain for the first time in 7 weeks!

It's just a wake up call to remind myself how easily we can fall back into old habits if we aren't careful and that while 10lbs was a successful loss, it is no reason to get careless, but should be motivation to be even more diligent.

Losing weight is an intricate puzzle that often takes trial and error.  There really is no perfect formula for everyone as each of our bodies are different and react to changes in different ways.  For me it's always been about finding a balance between being healthy and not depriving myself and when it comes to exercise making it something that I don't feel like I'm dying while doing and dread doing again.

This week shall be a lesson for me and a good disciplinary mindset going into the holiday week to be sure and watch myself that I don't overindulge just because it's Christmas.  I need to get back to tracking my food and calories so I am more aware of what I am eating and can control my intake better rather than just guessing at it, as clearly that method is flawed!

Here's to a healthier and happier week and hopes that next week I've at least lost what I gained this week!

Have a safe and happy holidays everyone!

All my best,


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Achievement Unlocked: 10lbs lost. Goal trophy received.

If you haven't learned by now I'm impatient and hate waiting to results!  So in contrast to my prior post on the 7th about waiting until Friday to weigh myself, I've been on the scale every morning watching and waiting to hit my goal.

This morning the scale finally got tired of me beating it and gave me what I was looking for.  I've officially lost my first 10lbs!!!  I'm super pumped and glad to be over this first hurdle!

Starting Weight: 234.8lbs
Today's Weight: 224.8lbs
Total loss: 10lbs

There is nothing more motivating than results and to know that I am on the right path and making progress gives me so much encouragement to keep going!  I realize 10lbs is not a lot but it's a huge start for me!

Now that that hurdle is behind me, it's time to look to the future and set a new goal!  I think I am going to tackle this 10lbs at a time.  So my next goal is to get to 214.8lbs!  If I keep on track with 10lbs every month and a half I should be down nearly 60lbs by the time the wedding rolls around next October!  Here's to focusing and making things happen!

Thanks everyone for your continued encouragement and support!  Stay tuned for more updates from this never ending journey!

All the best,


Sunday, December 7, 2014

A hop, skip and a bottle of water away!

It seems like the weeks are fast forwarding themselves and time is just flying by!  I can't believe it is already Sunday and a new week has begun!

With that being said, as I mentioned in my post last week I took advice from a radio show about weighing yourself on Fridays each week.  I had already weighed on Monday so I was curious to see what happened in 5 days.  I was pleased with the result!

Starting Weight: 234.8lbs
Friday's Weight: 225.8lbs
Total Loss: 9lbs

So in 5 weeks I have lost 9lbs.  I was really hoping to have hit the 10lb mark at this point but 9lbs is a good goal.  That's an average of 1.8lbs per week and keep in mind we haven't done any exercise.  This loss has come strictly by drinking more water and watching the calories we eat and preparing most of our meals at home. 

For the next phase, I would love to incorporate some kind of exercise and have been swearing that we will start the DDP Yoga series but I just can't seem to muster up the motivation to stick to it.  I am hoping this week we can just hunker down and commit ourselves to hitting the floor and get into extreme yoga!  It's allegedly a high calorie burning workout series, we shall see.

I'm 1lb away from my first goal of 10lbs.  I could hop, skip and drink a bottle of water to flush away that pesky pound!  My goal is to surpass the 10lb mark by the end of the week and I really think if I add in some sort of exercise I will hit that goal!  That and maybe cut back on the Starbucks?  I may or may not have had a few holiday drinks this week.  Whoops!  Look forward not back though, right?

That's all I have for now.  Cross your fingers that we can push ourselves just a little more this week and that I hit my 10lb goal!

All my best,


Monday, December 1, 2014

How I survived Thanksgiving....but crashed the next day!

It's been a couple of weeks since the last post, namely because there hasn't been much to report.  I can tell you that over the last month since starting this venture, Matt and I have been diligent with our charge to cook more meals at home and eat out a lot less!  We have been to a drive thru fast food place 2 times in the past 30 days and they were both over this most recent extended holiday!

The way we have been working it is we go grocery shopping and buy all of our meals for the week including lunch for work and breakfast (for me, as he is not a breakfast person) so that we have everything on hand, and no excuses!  Keeping on plan during the week, come Friday or Saturday we decide to allow ourselves to indulge and pick a cuisine and restaurant that we both would enjoy and have a meal there!  Mind you we don't make a day of it and usually just stick to that meal and possibly a dessert somewhere.  Thus far, this system has worked rather well.

Here comes the holiday!  Our first venture to a drive thru came the Wednesday before.  We were in a rush to get on the road and out of town and were driving a dear friend home as well that we decided to throw it to the wind and eat at Wendy's.  I got a grilled chicken and diet.  While certainly not the healthiest of things to eat, I could have done A LOT worse.  I'm a big gal and I can put down some Wendy's, but I showed restraint.  Later that eve, my brother and best friend made homemade cheese sticks after we arrived in town.  I like to tell myself that he is super skinny and eats healthy on the by and by so it's gotta be ok to eat! :-)

Now where I was proud of myself is on actual Thanksgiving.  We started the day by going to a food pantry and shelter to serve those in need.  After, a group of us ventured to Cracker Barrel.  Again, here normally I would have slayed some chicken w/ gravy, a pancake, eggs, sausage, biscuits etc.  All I had were biscuits and gravy and 2 sausage patties and some apple butter.  That may sound "normal" or even "heavy" for most people, but understand where I'm coming from and what I normally would have done, my restraint for me was a victory.

Now for the actual Thanksgiving dinner w/ my family.  I only had ONE plate!  Not two or three....just one.  And that plate was not piled high and overflowing.  I had a piece of turkey, a piece of ham, some stuffing, a roll, a deviled egg and some green bean casserole.  I also just had one dessert instead of three or four samples of everything.  I repeat myself only to say, this may seem "normal" to most people, but I'm a foodie with a serious addiction to food, so this was another victory.

All in all I took a win for myself on the holidays.  Then came Black Friday and lunch with friends.


Look I have to tell you, we had lunch at a place called Harry's and they have some of the most delicious sushi you've ever had. One of their rolls is DEEP FRIED and another is stuffed with filet mignon and avocado!  When I tell you I was in heaven, I was in heaven.  I could not turn this down.  I also had the mini sliders w/ a side salad & water to balance it all out! So I was good.

I felt stuffed and yet very satisfied!  Later that evening, when we arrived back home, we were too tired to cook and fell back into an old habit of "just go get something".  I allowed it for one evening with the promise that the next day we would get back on track and get to the store.  And that is just what we did.

At the end of it all, nothing loss but nothing gained.  But I have lost since my last post!

Starting weight: 234.8lbs
Today's weight: 227.4lbs
Total loss: 7.4lbs

That's almost an average of 2lbs per week, which I think is healthy and a good start.  Especially given we have yet to exercise.  Still working up the motivation to get back into that.  It's coming!

So that's how I survived Thanksgiving and crashed the next day.  But I am happy to say we are back on the wagon, we have all of our meals for the week and we are on track!

I will say that I heard a tip on the radio today to NOT weigh yourself on Monday's as the weekend tends to be your least healthy of the days so it is best to weigh yourself on Fridays.   So going forward that is what I shall do.  I'm curious to see how the results vary!

That's all I have for now!  Stay tuned for more adventures from my never ending quest to lose weight!

All my best,
