Monday, January 23, 2012

Toddlers & Tiaras and Weight Loss......

Ok so I realize the title seems quite contrary but you'll make the connection here shortly!  First things was weigh-in day!  Now as you know I have been on an active rest week as part of my training program with  During the 26 week program they build in 2 rest weeks, which believe me are very necessary.  Did you know that your body transforms during recovery and not during actual exercising?  Fun fact for the day. :-)  So while initially I had planned on fitting in some low intensity cardio this past week, some unexpected events changed that course of action and I did not hit the gym at all.  Not a total let down however because I really needed and enjoyed the break.

Here are the results:

Starting Weight: 209lbs.
Last Weeks Weight: 195.2lbs
Today's Weight: 193.4lbs
Difference: -1.8lbs
Total Lost: 15.6lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 1.73lbs

Even after a week off I still managed a 1.8lbs loss this past week.  I can tell that my metabolism has been ramped up because I had some extra indulgences last week (not over indulgence) and did not workout and still lost weight.  I took the week off from tracking points on WW too but still mentally monitored my intake so as not to derail.  It's amazing how after several weeks on a plan your mind starts to learn what you can and can't eat and how much is enough or too much.  I've gotten pretty used to the points system with everyday food items that I can usually eyeball a nutrition label and estimate how many points something is going to be.  When I'm really in doubt I whip out the old calculator app on my phone, but I've become a good judge of portions!

I thought it may be wise to start listing the prior weeks weight in conjunction with the current weeks weight so that you can see how much I lose each week in addition to what I've lost overall.  I've been so amazed that I have lost every week except 1.  I know that as I approach my goal weight that it will be more difficult to shed those pounds and I will be gaining muscle in the process, so I'm trying not to focus TOO much on the scale, but it is motivating when the numbers keep dropping each week!

So you may be wondering how Toddlers & Tiaras relates to my weight loss, let me explain.  If you have been following along you know that I get easily bored doing cardio and a few weeks back I came up with the idea to watch Netflix while I exercise.  At the time I was hooked on Gossip Girl and it got me through many a cardio workout.  Since that time I've watched a couple of movies and other TV episodes but recently I got hooked on Toddlers and Tiaras and so I found it on Netflix and started watching it while I was running on the treadmill.  You'd be surprised at how fast the time/miles fly when you're glued to the screen watching 5 year olds get made up to look like 13 year old hoochies. LOL.  My cardio is usually 20-30 minutes long which doesn't quite allow me to finish an episode, but it's enough for me to get drawn in.  If you've never seen the show...don't start because you won't stop! LOL.

In conclusion today I want to share an article concerning an age old weight loss debate that I found interesting.  You can decide for yourself what you thing is accurate.  Again as I have said before, no one thing works for everyone.  You have to find out what works for you and take it from there.  The article does raise some good points however and certainly provides "food for thought."  Enjoy!

That's all I have for today.  I completed Week 10 Day 1!  I have 16 weeks to go and I can't wait to see you at the finish line!  Also, the blog has hit over 1000 views since it began on November 14.  Thank you a thousand times to all who read and support this blog, you don't know what it means and how it has helped me to keep going each week!  Wishing all of you the very best in your goals!


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