Thursday, January 5, 2012

Something funny about food...(Wednesday Recap)

I have a funny story to recount for you (Colene will appreciate this one), but first a recap:

Breakfast: Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Breakfast Bowl w/ Banana (6pts)
Snack: Apple (0pts)
Lunch: Chicken and Pear Salad w/ Gorgonzola Dressing (6pts)
Snack: Special K Bar & Pear (0pts)
Late Afternoon Bite: Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie (7pts)
Dinner: Hamburger Helper w/ French Bread (18pts)
Snack: Skinny Cow Sundae (6pts)

Daily Points Allowance: 41
Total Points Used: 41
Points Remaining: 0
Bonus Points Allowed (Week): 49*
Used (Today): 0
Bonus Points Remaining (Week): 49*
Activity Points Earned (Today): 0
Activity Points Used (Today): 5
Activity Points Earned (Week): 15 (Goal is 25)
Activity Points Remaining (Week): 10
*I swap earned Activity Points for Bonus Points first before I start using my actual bonus points.

Last night after work while I was closing down for the day, I was setting our Otis Spunkmeyer cookies in the kitchen....they had been calling out to me ALLL day and I finally broke down and ate one.  I haven't had one since Dec. 10, so I figured it was time for my monthly fix. LOL.  It shoved me into my Activity points a bit, but it's ok, as always no regrets no guilt!  I took the night off from exercise and will wrap up day 3 of week 7 tonight, just a simple cardio workout, no worries!

Now for the funny story about food!  My boss decided for our next order of cookies she would get the S'mores cookies because she knew that she wouldn't eat them as she did not like them.  I assured her that I also WOULD NOT eat them because of my extreme dislike of S'mores anything.  Now why, you may ask, do I dislike anything S'mores related, I mean who doesn't like melted marshmallow and chocolate smooshed between two graham crackers?  Well I used to, actually very much!

When Colene and I were kids we went shopping with her mom one day to an outlet mall.  Now in this outlet mall there was a candy store, and not just a nickel candy type of candy store, we're talking homemade, over sized, over priced candy store.  So we go in to "just look."  In the very front of the display big as day is a HUGE and I mean HUGE S'mores!  The chocolate must have been an inch thick and the marshmallow probably 2 inches thick, all smacked in between two golden graham crackers!  This probably would have fed 2-3 people mind you and I had to have it!!  I don't recall but I think it cost me around $6 or so.  Colene of course, always the advocate of "you'll regret it later" told me that I shouldn't get it and I would probably get sick from eating it.  Now if you recall from the start of my blogging, I wasn't a skinny kid and I could put some food down, I wasn't about to be intimidated by a S'mores!  Naturally I bought it and ate most if not all of it.

What I failed to consider at the time is that we would be eating dinner just a few short hours from then.....a Mexican dinner.  Sure enough we go to eat at a nice Mexican restaurant, I have chips and salsa and who knows what else.  It wasn't an hour or so later that I was sicker than I had ever been.  My stomach was all kinds of cramped up and either what you went it was not going to be good.

Ever since that day I have never been able to look at a S'mores the same way.  I can't even have anything with a S'mores flavor or concept.  I LOVE graham crackers with marshmallow creme, but don't you dare add chocolate to the mix. LOL.  It was truly a lesson in over indulgence and how our eyes are almost always hungrier than our stomachs!

Keep it real out there kids....don't bite off more than you can chew....literally!  Moderation is the key in almost every aspect of life!

The one and only,


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