Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 7...Quiet on the home front....

Today was a quiet day.  It was cold and rainy outside and I had to work for 4 hours. Boo!  Here is a breakdown of my meals:

Breakfast: Bacon, Egg & Cheese on Cibatta w/ mixed fruit
Snack: None
Lunch: None
Dinner: Lomo Saltado (A tasty peruvian dish from the Weight Watchers Kitchen recipes)
Snack: TBD (Likely a WW smoothie)

Normally I'm not one to skip lunch or my daily snacks, but we had a late breakfast and I worked from 12-4.  I did however manage to fend off the craving for a chocolate chip cookie at work!

I'm gearing up for the start of Week 2 of Inferno from, I previewed the workout and it ain't lookin too pretty!  Gotta hit it hard though!

While we all wait in anticipation of that workout however, here's another tale from the vault.  My friend Julie will appreciate this story.

If any of you recall in my back story, I talked about how I lost weight when I first moved to St. Louis.  I hired my friend Julie to train me at the gym that we both worked at.  Now Julie rarely took on new clients as she was fully booked with the people she was currently training, but she agreed to do this for me.  One thing you have to know about Julie is that she is a great friend, but an evil trainer.  Evil in the sense that she knows exactly how to torture you to get the results you want! :-)

Being new to the workout scene, pretty much any exercise we did I had something to say about it. (Imagine that....)  Julie would always give me advice on my diet and what I should and shouldn't be eating.  I rarely listened.

After I had lost several pounds, I began to feel pretty confident in myself and my workout abilities.  One day before leaving Julie reminded me of our training session the next day and she gave me very specific orders for breakfast - "You have to eat protein, sausage, eggs, something with a good source of protein and carbs!  Tomorrow is legs day and you will need your energy."  Uh-huh...ok girl, I hear you...bye!

The next morning I woke up and wasn't particularly hungry.  I reached for the Special K cereal.  It had protein and carbs, and the milk added to the protein, I should be fine!

I walk into the gym and Julie was finishing up with a client.  As I passed her she inquired about my breakfast and my reply was "Don't worry I'm fine, I had a bowl of Special K!"  Julie did not respond but went back to her client.

When we began she had me doing squats and lunges.  For added torture she made me do "Walking Lunges" WITH DUMBELLS!!  By around the second set (the details of this are fuzzy) I began to feel queasy and light headed.  I looked at Julie (not wanting to concede) and told her I had to use the bathroom.  I did indeed go to the bathroom, but it was to get away from the torture.  Nauseated and dizzy I lay in a stall on the bathroom floor, curled up in a ball.  You know how for some reason, the cold tile on your face makes you feel better?  I lay there for what seemed like forever.  Apparently someone went and told Julie that I was curled up on the floor in the bathroom.

I soon returned to continue our workout.  Julie had me on the leg press machine.  She started with light weights and I (in what looking back was a huge mistake) said to her "Is that all you got?  This is easy!"....Julie being the Nazi that she was...racked on more weight.....not so easy.  When we got to dead leg lifts I was about to die.  Julie looked at me, saw that I was turning green and told me to rack the weights.  I did so and sat on the bench.  Julie brought me some orange juice to help eleveate my blood sugar, which due to my wonderful breakfast had plummeted!

She then looked at me and said "Next time I tell you to eat something for breakfast, maybe you will listen.  We're done for the day."

Indeed we were done for the day.  I think I went home and crawled in bed and slept for a long while.  After that I never questioned Julie's diet advice again.  After we were finished training I had lost over 30lbs and looked great!!! (Ah, to be 21 again!)

The lesson here is, it is essential to eat a healthy breakfast and never work out on an empty stomach.  Starving yourself is no way to lose weight!  Especially if you are doing a leg intensive weight training that day!  EAT! :-)

Workout Box doesn't really provide too much guidance on WHAT you should eat, but they do give you a guide for how many calories, carbs, fat and protein grams you should be eating each day based on whether or not that day is a workout day.  I typically work out in the evening and I always have protein in my dinner so I usually have plenty of energy to finish my work outs.

Do you have any favorite workout tips or exercises to share? :-)

Week 2 begins tomorrow.....until then kids...

The one and only,


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