Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1 & My Inspiration...

Well my first day is officially over!  I just finished my workout and am slightly close to death. LOL.  Here's a breakdown of my day:

Starting Weight: 205.6

Breakfast: 1 Bagel Thin, 1 Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Patty and 1 Banana
Snack: 1 Apple
Lunch: 1 Healthy Choice Cheese Lobster Ravioli steamer, 20 Pepperidge Farm Baked Naturals Cheese Crisps
Snack: 1 1/2 cup blackberries
Dinner: Crazy Bowls and Wraps Chicken Teriyaki Bowl w/ white rice and steamed veggies and 3 Lobster Rangoon.
Snack: Fruit Smoothie (Post workout)

My workout routine comes from Workout Box - Inferno.  You can check out this awesome site at  Travis Steffan is a genius and they have so many different programs to fit your goals and body type, whether you want to workout at home or at a gym Workout Box has a program for you!  Some programs are flat rate, and some are monthly charge (around $10).  With each program you get personalized support, real time by real people!  I HIGHLY reccommend it!

27 Minutes of Cardio followed by about 45 min of Strength training and ab workouts.  WHEW!

Day 1 (Post workout) :-(
I've also posted a picture (post workout) from Day 1.  Note the frowney face....depicting the level of dissatisfaction I have when I look in the mirror.  But that's all going to change and I can't wait!

Some people ask me where I have gotten my inspiration to do something so significant.

Enter Colmon and Colene.

Colmon and Colene are my brother and sister (from anotha mutha) and best friends of 20 years.  Growing up, Colmon like myself was an overly proportinate child.  For a good portion of his adult life as well.  I don't know exactly how it happened, but one day I came home and Colmon was 100lbs thinner!  He looked AMAZING!  He did it all on his own through diet and exercise and sheer will.  I thought....well now I look even fatter! Thanks Colmon! :-)

And then there is Colene.  Colene was always a beautiful and attractive girl.  She refers to herself as a young Tyra Banks (why tell her otherwise!)  Colene got into a long term relationship and like so many of us before her, settled in not only to the relationship but to her body as well.  As she puts it..."How come nobody told me I swoll up?"  In all honesty when you are such close friends with someone, you don't really look at them physically or superficially, so it never really dawned on me.  Colene like her brother took it upon herself to do something about it and started exercising and became VERY active in Bikram Yoga.  I can't even say how much she has lost, but she too now looks AMAZING.

These two individuals, along with being my two bestest pals for 20 years have inspired me in more ways than one.  I know that making such a drastic change is possible because they are living proof.  And even though they would never tell me to my face....ya'll know I done swoll up a little too! LOL.  Thank you both for being the trail blazers in the family and setting a precedent to encourage and motivate me to do better!

So that's day 1.  Seems so miniscule when we're talking a day.  But before you know it, day 1 will be day 30 and day 30 will be day 365, let's hope we are all for the better this time next year.

Bring on day 2, I'm ready!!!  Until then...

The one and only,



  1. Good for you! I went to college with the big C (Colene) and that is how I came to your site. I also started a blog on my weight loss efforts, though it's full of other silly stuff about me too. Some people don't realize what a big deal it is to hang your fat laundry out on the internet for the world to see, but it really is a huge step in the right direction. Good luck to you! You've already inspired me to get my rear back in gear. So far I've learned that it's a journey that fluctuates... a lot.

  2. Thanks for the comments Erica. It's always encouraging knowing so many people struggle with the same thing! I hope you find encouragment and motivation from my blog and I'd love to follow your blog too if you want to send me the link! Feel free to share my blog with your family and friends...the more support we have the better! Have a great day!!

  3. !!! It really is a random conglomeration, tho! haha. I'm gonna have to check out this also.

  4. How old are you now???!!! Or, does "Granny" really want to know. Just wanted to say I am very proud of you no matter what you weigh, but I am especially proud of you for doing this with the blog thing. I'd like to know more about some of what you are doing. I love you and miss you...your favorite step-mom!!

  5. Thanks Goldie! I am 32! Lol. The blog is a great way for me to hold myself accountable and hopefully encourage others! I am excited as I enjoy writing and sharing fun stories from my day! And you were definitely all of our favorite step mom!! :-)
