Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Homicide at Bennett Springs Ct....(Insanity Month 2 Day 2)

Reporter: "I'm here on scene at Bennett Springs Ct. where a young man has reportedly been murdered by a popular nighttime infomercial celebrity.  Police at this time are not releasing any details other than the young man was found covered in sweat lying on his living room floor.  We will keep you updated as details of this tragic event emerge."

This is how I envision the reports coming out concerning my death after tonight's workout.  I have not clue what exactly Shaun T thought he was doing, but this is getting beyond insane.  My body has never felt so fatigued or worn out in my entire life.  I've done workouts by Jillian Michaels, Debbie Siebers, Julie James, Travis Steffen, Billy Blanks, Bob Harper and none of them have even come close to scratching the surface to the level of intensity of these workouts.  The even sadder part is, I take several breaks during the workouts because I push my body to the brink of burn out and it just collapses when it can't go any further.  I have to literally FORCE my mind into fueling my muscles for the last 10-15 seconds of a workout to keep going.  This my friends is no joke.  My entire shirt is soaked and I look like I just jumped in the pool and climbed out.  Tonight was by far the worst workout thus far, and the Max Cardio is still to come!

I know I have tried encouraging folks to get on the Insane Train, but let me retract that only to preface it with this.....THIS IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!  If you are new to working out, meaning you are inactive currently and are more than 30lbs overweight, you may want to try a more casual approach to your weight loss efforts starting out.  Before I began Insanity, I had been working out at the gym 4 days/week for 5 months.  It's not to say that I was in top physical shape at that point, but the amount of cardio I had been doing, combined with the strength training it gave me a decent foundation to start with on Insanity.  Don't get me wrong....Insanity has still kicked my A$$ every day!  I'm on Week 6 and I still have quite a ways to go before I'm in top shape.  My point is that while Insanity has given me some great results, it comes at a high price and I don't recommend you investing your money into this program if it's your first step into working out.

I'm 2 days into Month 2 and I have no idea how I'm going to keep going at this pace.  These workouts are brutal and my body is saying STOP!  But I am quick to remember that on Week 1 of Month 1 I felt the same way and wanted to give up, but I pushed through and here I am with only 4.5 weeks left!  I'm drawing on all of my inner strength and determination to keep going.  Seeing my body change and the scale drop helps motivate me to not give up.  Along with the support of all of you!

I just can't wait to see how Day 3 turns out!  Max Cardio is gonna be some straight up Bull Ish fo sho!

That's all I have today.  Stay tuned.....

Wishing you success in your goals.


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