Sunday, November 13, 2011

The back story.......

So I'm sitting here in my room, looking out of the patio door, listening to the dull roar of the highway thinking about how to begin.  The cliche is that you should alwasy start from the beginning.  Well NO DUH genius!  The question is exactly HOW to begin.  Many of you who will be reading this already know everything about it and for those who don't, we would need a LifeTime made for TV movie in a 3 part series to get you caught up. :-)

So I will provide you with a brief back story and why I decided to start this blog, or better yet, revive an old idea.

I'm 32 (excuse me, I just threw up a little in my mouth) yes, 32! Much of my life I have been self concious of the way I look.  I hated the fact that I was shorter than most people, when I was younger I had the dreaded "acne" face, in my earliest of years I wore the coke bottle style eyeglasses.  Yes through the years I have been quite a sight for some to see.  While I outgrew the glasses, got over the fact that I wasn't getting any taller and discovered face wash in my latter teen years for the acne, my weight was something that I always struggled with. They say weight can be genetic, LIES!  My mom is skinny, my sister is skinny, both of my brothers are skinny, my dad was fat but got skinny.  I had skinny ALL AROUND ME!  Clothing was the worst though. I mean, imagine my self-esteem when my parents took me to Wal-Mart and bought me jeans in a size 16 (Husky).  Please take a moment to laugh.  For any of you who also endured the dreaded "Husky" clothing era, I empathize with you.  For those who did not, you struggle to feel my humiliation.  And it wasn't bad enough that the tag said it, but it was PRINTED on the leather patch of the jean.  I might as well have worn a t-shirt that said "Caution: Fatty coming through!" Oh I chuckle at it now, but when you're 14 going into your first year of high school it's mortifying.  Why didn't they have Spanx back then? (a great story about Spanx at a later date to come. Stay tuned!)

When I turned 19 I decided for various reasons that I would move to St. Louis, MO.  I won't get into the details of why here (that's a whole other blog!)  When I moved here I weighed in at a moderate 185-190 around that time, and while that doesn't seem dramatically overweight, to me, I might as well have weighed 400 pounds.  I needed to do something to get skinny!  Ironically one of my first jobs in St. Louis was a Front Desk Attendant at a local gym.  Can you imagine...this young chubby kid trying to peddle a gym membership to folks?  I could hear their thoughts..."Don't they give you a free membership?"  "Instead of peddling this to me, you should be peddling that bike over there"  Needless to say I was out of place.

Enter Julie.

Now Julie was a personal trainer at this gym.  Some people called her Nazi. (Ok, I called her Nazi) because she was hardcore, but she knew how to get results.  As an employee I got a discount on personal training, so I thought I'd take advantage of it.  I asked Julie if she would train me and she agreed.  Now I don't have the time or space to get into all the fun stories of me being trained (and believe me they are interesting!) but suffice it to say that Julie got results.  I got down to 150lbs and a 31" waist.  Would you believe at that point, I still thought I was fat?  Never satisfied...

I felt amazing at 21 years old and 150lbs, heck I LOOKED amazing and finally I felt like I fit in with the other skinny, good looking people I had dreamed about being like.

Here I sit at 32, and let me tell you my age is lower than my waist size now!

So why the big push now, why does it mean so much for me to get in shape now?  And why don't I just call Julie to train me into shape?  Well for starters, ole Julie skipped off to Texas (thanks Jules! LOL)

And reasons as to why I want this now?  I've wanted this my whole life, I've just never been able to achieve it permanently.  I don't need to be 150 pounds again in fact I don't think I'd look that great at 150 pounds.  I just want to be in shape and to look in the mirror and stop frowning at what I see.  I want to be able to control my eating habits and not look like such a pig when I eat, always going back for thirds and fourths.  I'm sick and tired of being fat, pudgy, thick, curvy, husky, chunky, heavy set, big boned, whatever you want to call it, I'm done with it!

So I made a declaration to myself.  Starting Monday November 14, 2011 I will no longer accept being over weight.  I am going to pour my time and energy into getting into shape no matter what.  This blog is way for me to hold myself accountable and to build a little (or big) support group of friends and family who can encourage me to keep going when I don't want to keep going and who can celebrate with me when I achieve a victory.  In this blog I will be up front, blunt and honest about my daily struggles, victories etc.  I'll be sharing my weight, nutrition, work out routines and all the in between.  Along the way you'll learn about many of my friends and family members as I relive moments from the past, for as they say we learn from history!  I'm not saying it's going to be easy and that every day will be a victory, in fact I'll tell you up front it won't be, but at least we can endure it together and maybe get a few laughs along the way!

So that's it.  Sorry we took a sort of long road to a short answer.  I just realized that my blog application allows videos and photos too, so expect me to get creative and do some before and after shots along with some video blogging throughout the process.   2 years ago I issued myself a challenge to lose weight and I raised money to support a good cause.  This time, I don't want a challenge because there is no deadline, there is no finish line, this time it's about changing my lifestyle for good, not just for a few weeks or months.  Say goodbye to fatty mcfatterton.....he dies tonight. 

Thank you all in advance for your support and encouragement, I hope you enjoy this blog.  Please share it on Facebook or through email with your other friends or family members, the more support the better.  And feel free to join me - if you are wanting to make a change for yourself, I'd be happy to support and encourage you too!

Tomorrow it all begins.......until then kids.

The one and only,


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