Monday, July 30, 2012

Nothing lost, nothing gained....a rebirth of sorts.

Life certainly can throw you some curve balls once in a while.  And when it does it can derail even the most stable of plans.  You may or may not know but about a month ago I packed up my life and moved from St. Louis, MO to Lexington, KY after 12 years of living there.  It just so happened that the move came right at the end of my Insanity Workouts, I had 2 week left.  After I made the move it was difficult to find time to workout.  The job I had was an hour away from my home and was about 125 miles round trip each day.  That required getting up and leaving early and getting home rather late.
Certainly it probably was more of an excuse than anything (you find time to do the things you want to do kind of thing) but trying to transition your life into a new job, a new home environment, a new relationship, trust me when I say it isn't easy.  That's a whole lot of new for one person!

Needless to say it is time to get  back in the saddle and into a routine of working out and eating healthier.  I did attempt to pick up Insanity where I left off after a month and a half of being off, I'll tell you that it was unwise to try such.  Month 2 was insane enough being in the routine, but take yourself out of the routine for that long and try to hit the ground running, MISTAKE.  I turned it off after the second warm-up round! LOL.

I haven't yet decided if I am going to try and restart Insanity and see it through to the end or if I am just going to go into general workout mode.  The issue I have with Insanity isn't that it's too difficult, because I survived the workouts, but the time commitment.  Even the shorter month 1 workouts ended up being close to an hour after you paused to recover and try not to die during the workout.  I'm totally not a morning person and I have to eat something before I workout or else I almost pass out and can't make it through the workout, which requires getting up almost an hour before you want to workout to eat, then the actual workout and have time to shower and get ready for work.  One would need to get up around 530am or so and that just isn't me!  The evening is almost just as difficult to find time to workout without holding everyone else up for dinner or watching prime time TV!  Alas, more excuses which I usually don't have an issue with, but I've been out of routine for so long it seems the excuses are getting the best of me.

On a positive note I have not gained a single pound since I've been out of my routine.  Which is surprising because as Colene would say I've "eaten hell off the cross". LOL.  Between Matt's fantastic culinary skills and being in a group of friends who are hardcore foodies, it's not easy to eat healthy, but the food is oh so delicious! :-)  I attribute my lack of weight gain partially to a loss in muscle mass, which is NOT a good thing to trade off.  While I may be the same size weight wise, I'm much "softer" than I was while doing Insanity and it's not cute!  So nothing lost, but nothing gained.

I'll definitely keep you posted on what I decide to do as far as workouts go.  My heart says to restart Insanity and see it through to the end, but my mind recalls the torture and fights the thought of it tooth and nail! LOL.  At any regard I promise to get back to blogging and back into some sort of fitness routine and will keep you, my public, loyal fans and readers informed!  We're almost to 3500 views! :-)

That's all I have for today!

Wishing you success in your goals.


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