Friday, May 25, 2012

I know how to ski....Are you Kidding Me? (Insanity Month 2 Day 3)

Well as expected last nights workout was Max Cardio Conditioning.  I'll start by saying that I think Pure Cardio from Month 1 was actually more intense than this.  With that said, don't be fooled into thinking that it wasn't insane or that I didn't get my A$$ kicked because I certainly did!  The difference I think with Max Cardio vs. Pure Cardio is that we actually got a few seconds of rest between sets with Max Cardio whereas in Pure Cardio it was non stop beat down!  Also I felt like Max Cardio focused a lot more on legs so there was more of "my quads are dying" vs. "I can't breathe!" :-)

One thing I can say about Max Cardio, it taught me how to ski!  Between downard ski jumps and ski abs I think I could totally make the Olympic Team and become a gold medalist!  I'm just sayin! LOL

Today is the Max Recovery, which I'm not sure what to expect.  Month 1 Recovery was a lot of balance and core work, I imagine Max Recovery will be similar, but turned up a notch.  I can report that the soreness in my muscles is finally subsiding and I can walk normally again! LOL.

On the downside, I don't know what has happened but I have gained 2lbs since Wednesdays weigh-in!!  I almost threw the scale through the wall this morning!  I'm hoping it's either muscle gain or some weird glitch with my body (water retention or the sort, can you drink TOO much water?) and that it will all remedy itself before Monday's weigh-in!  I haven't changed my diet at all and haven't eaten any crazy meals the past couple of days.  The only thing I did have was a 1000 calorie smoothie from Smoothie King, but it was my breakfast and snack yesterday morning, which those two normally add up to 1000 calories separately.  I guess we shall see what happens Monday.  Everyone keeps telling me to stop using the scale as a term of success measurement, and I really try hard not to, but I've been fixated on my goal weight of 165lbs that it is hard not to look at the numbers every day and not get frustrated when things like this happen.  (Take a deep breath, relax, it will all be ok!)

3 more days and I will be finished with Week 1 of Month 2 and then it's the downward slope to the end.  Can you handle it?  Or better yet, can I handle it?  Stay tuned to find out!

That's all I have for today!

Wishing you success in your goals.


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