Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sir, You can't have the fish and the chinese together....

Oh my stars what was I thinking!!?  Yesterday I had convinced myself that since I had built up all kinds of Activity Points and still hadn't touched my bonus points for the week that it would be a good idea to indulge a bit on lunch.  So where do we go to?  Long John Silvers of course!  Now I have not been here in probably over a year but it sounded DELICIOUS!  Here's the trick, I only had 1 piece of fish and 1 piece of chicken, 2 hush puppies, NO tartar sauce, NO cole slaw and had fries.  Overall the meal was like 18pts.  Surprisingly NOT bad at all, considering it's FRIED! LOL.  Well my stomach was not having it and started throwing a fit the minute I choked down the last fry.

As if this torture wasn't enough I was so un-motivated last night to cook anything, we ordered Chinese food.  Are you kidding me?!  So I shovel that in on top of the fish and chicken and let me tell you....not a good thing! LOL.  Then I actually convinced myself to get up off the couch and go to the gym and workout AND it was 5k run day!! OH my word!  Never again will I do anything like that! LOL.

Let me explain my rationale.  I've been hitting a plateau on the scale this past week or two and I couldn't really figure out why.  I hadn't changed my diet and I was keeping up with my workouts.  Well I determined that I possibly wasn't eating enough to cover the calories I was burning at the gym in addition to my normal daily calorie burn.  This can cause your body to shut down and prevent weight loss.  So, my thinking was that I needed to feed my body, shock it back into burn mode and get things up and going again.  Maybe I jumped in a little too close to the deep end! LOL.  At any rate I am still trying to tinker with my calorie intake and deciding exactly what is holding up my progress on the scale.  I seriously doubt however that eating like that is going to help my cause at all! (It was worth a shot though, right? LOL)

While my body is beat down and tired, tonight I will officially close out Day 4 Week 13 and phase 3 of Inferno Standard.  Can you freakin' believe it?  We are halfway there!  This is the longest I have stuck with anything and I have amazed myself that I have kept it going.  It's downhill to the home stretch from here so there is no quitting or turning back now!  Looking in the mirror and not seeing a gut hanging over my pants anymore and knowing that a size 34 pant is loose on me is motivation enough for me to keep going!

How are you doing in your journey?  I know a lot of people read these blogs (because I have a stat tracker that tells me so! LOL) but no one ever comments!  I want to know what you are doing to lose weight and how you are doing.  Has my blog been helpful to you?  Is there anything you have a question about or would like me to talk about in a blog?  Hit me up...let's make this a bit more interactive! :-)

I hope everyone is doing great and that you are exceeding your weight loss goals!  I am here to support you in any way I can!  YOU CAN DO IT!  That's all I have for today....


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