So I've made a determination to start working out a little earlier than I usually do. Wrapping up a workout at 1230am and not getting to bed until 2am is for the birds and I'm over it! Going forward I am going to make every effort to get to the gym by 9pm, so I am done by 1030pm at the latest. This morning I was so tired I overslept and could hardly get out of bed! Here's the Monday recap:
Breakfast: Toasted bagel thin w/ cheese w/ banana (5pts)
Snack: Special K Bar (2pts)
Lunch: Healthy Choice Balsamic Chicken (4pts)
Snack: Mixed Fruit Cup
Dinner: Italian wedding soup w/ Penne Pasta (15pts)
Snack: Chocolate Pie (21pts) - I know!
Post Workout: Muscle Milk
Daily Points Allowance: 42
Total Points Used: 42
Points Remaining: 0
Bonus Points Allowed (Week): 49*
Used (Today): 0
Bonus Points Remaining (Week): 49
Activity Points Earned (Today): 5
Activity Points Used (Today): 5
*I swap earned Activity Points for Bonus Points first before I start using my actual bonus points.
This evening we had a delightful Italian Wedding Soup that Mac made from scratch and it was quite tasty. My light meals throughout the day led me into a false sense of security and I allowed myself to have a piece of chocolate pie.....UGH! LOL. The good news is I did not finish the piece that I served myself. The overage was accounted for by the Activity Points I earned from my workout so it wasn't too terrible, but I am done with the pie. :-) A quick note about the Post Workout Muscle Milk.....I am not going to track the points for those as I only have one or 2 per week but they are essential for post workout, especially after an intense leg workout to help my muscles recover. They have a high amount of protein which jacks up the Points Value on WW, but since they are "good for me" I am not going to punish myself and deduct points from my day for drinking one. Just so we're all on the same page! :-)
Monday I started Week 5 Day 1 of Inferno Standard from All I can say is.....INSANE! They introduced "Jump Squats" w/ dumbells! Basically you get into a squat position holding a dumbell in each hand and leap into the air and land back in the squat position! Ok, so I decided to be brave and use 20lbs weights. The jump squats weren't so terrible except the entire circuit set included 12 reps of Jump Squats, 12 Reps of Squats w/ dumbells and 15 reps of standard squats (no dumbell), repeat 3 times. OH MY STARS!! My poor hamstrings and quads were about to DIE! Then they expect you to go right into alternating lunges w/ dumbells and my legs were so mad at me! By the time I got to abs my legs felt like jelly! Of course now they decide that I need to do Plank w/ leg raises on each side? HUH? Now I'll preface this with saying that I have been doing Plank Elbow for the past 4 weeks, and I can hang in for a cool 30-40 seconds on either side. But when you decide to toss in a leg raise while trying to support your entire body weight on your elbow for 30 seconds.....after having murdered your legs with squats and was a no go! This was the first time I have ever done a modified version of an exercise. I tried for several attempts to do leg raises while in plank position but kept falling over and it was seriously hurting my hips. So instead I remained on my side and did leg lifts for the required time. Perhaps over time I will build endurance for these but for now leg lifts will have to do! All in all it was a good workout and weeks 5-8 promise to be even more intense....bring it!!
Yesterday was weigh-in day and I will tell you that I did NOT gain, but did NOT lose either. I actually maintained, which is still a victory considering my weekend dietary choices. I did get on the scale this morning and was happy with what I saw, but in keeping with the plan I'll stick with my numbers from yesterday at 201.0. Maybe next Monday we'll see some suprising figures! :-) Until then kids...
The one and only,
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