Sunday, June 17, 2012

Is this thing even on.....(Insanity Recap)

So as you have noticed I have gotten way super behind in updating my blog post and my Insanity journey and I apologize!  For those who do not know, I just moved from St. Louis back to Kentucky this past week and it has been a crazy time.  However, I do have some Fit Test results to post from a couple of weeks back that I skipped on and can tell you that I will finish up Month 2 this week and next to get back on track!

I don't have any weigh-in results for you because I was banned from using the scale this past week by a certain someone (he knows who he is! LOL) but am hoping to see my damage tomorrow when I get back on the scale!  I'll keep you posted!

Here are my Fit Test #4 results:

Exercise           #1              #2       #3        #4
Switch Kicks   108             120     146       147
Power Jacks     57               67       61         67
Power Knees    83              113    114        123
Power Jumps   30               45       60         65
Globe Jumps   7                 10       12          9
Suicide Jumps 13              18       21          22
Push-up Jacks   29            44     49          51
Low Plank Oblique 41      56     66           70
That's all I have for today!

Wishing you success in your goals.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

I can't believe I'm going to say this.....(Insanity Month 2 Week 2 Day 5)

I'll regret this later, and I can't believe I'm even going to say this out loud....but......Max Cardio.....isn't really all that bad! (waits for lightning bolt)

I mean don't get me wrong, it kicks your a$$, and you sweat to high heaven, but here are the plus sides to Max Cardio and why it really isn't as bad as the other workouts.

1. It's only 47 minutes.  Take out the 15 minute warm-up and the 8 minutes of stretching and it's really only 24 minutes of the actual workout.

2. You never have to repeat an exercise!  There are no circuits in Max Cardio, you do one exercise for 1 minute and move on!  That's a huge plus especially on those exercises that you just despise (like in and out abs with ab pushups...)

3. While there aren't any breaks built into the workout except after the warm-up, you get some downtime as Shaun T explains the next exercise.

These factors alone make Max Cardio a cake walk in comparison to the other workouts!

I was disappointed to see that Cardio Abs was the same workout as before in Month 1....I was hoping for something more extreme.  I actually hate Cardio Abs from month 1 because the exercises are ridiculous and I don't feel like it really works my feels more like a leg workout than anything.

Today will wrap up Week 2 of Month 2 with Core Cardio and Balance.  The only unfortunate side to that is, I left the DVD with Matt because I didn't think I needed it anymore after the Recovery Week.....hmmmm..LOL....perhaps it's on YouTube somewhere!? I can always do Max Cardio Recovery instead (#whatajoke)  Core Cardio and Balance is much easier than Max Cardio!  I'll figure it out!

That's all I have for today!  I hope your weekend is productive and fun! Keep it safe!

Wishing you success in your goals!
